Mock Album Covers

I love listening to music, and I also enjoy creating fake album covers for bands that don’t actually exist. All of these covers shown here were created through a combination of Canva and Photoshop, just for fun and just as I compiled phrases that sounded like either a good name for a band or a…

I love listening to music, and I also enjoy creating fake album covers for bands that don’t actually exist. All of these covers shown here were created through a combination of Canva and Photoshop, just for fun and just as I compiled phrases that sounded like either a good name for a band or a good name for an album. The small band logo in the corner of “Sell It Like A Spectacle!” was originally created for a Dungeons and Dragons campaign, where that band– The Idiots in General– was the name of our adventuring party and in-fiction rock band.

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